The Default Messages tab allows you to create a default message using HTML that will be sent to subscribers on your site. Default Messages are the alerts the public receives via e-mail or SMS text message when new agendas are posted to the public site, once someone has signed up for Notify Me. For more information about Default Messages, using the Notify Me module please visit our Edit the Default Messages article.
- Navigate to Modules > Content > Agenda Center
- Create/Modify a category
- Select the Default Messages tab
- Fill in the appropriate information
- HTML Subscriber Welcome Message/List Header/List Footer: Make changes to the message in HTML
- Text Subscriber Welcome Message/List Header/List Footer: Make changes to the message in the regular text editor
- Subscriber Welcome Default Message:
This E-mail is in response to a subscription request.
You have just subscribed to the following list:
This is in addition to any other lists to which you may have previously subscribed.
If these list subscriptions are incorrect you can modify or cancel them by visiting:
Thank you for your interest! - Copy HTML to Text: Select this to view the text of the HTML written above
- Select a save option
- Save Changes: Will save the changes made without publishing to the live site
- Save and Publish: Will save and publish the changes made to the live site (displays for unpublished categories only)
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