This article will show you how to add or modify fields to forms in the Forms module.
Important Notes
It is recommended to use the Form Center for any regular, non-RequestTracker forms.
- Navigate to Modules > Content > Forms
- Select the category that the form is under
- Find the form and select Choose an Action > Modify
- Scroll down and select Add Field
- Enter the Question or Instructions in the Question field
- Use the Field Type drop-down menu to determine what kind of answer space to provide and choose one of the following:
- Display Image: Used to upload an image from your computer to display on the form
- Select Choose Image to upload an image from your computer
- Select Choose Image to upload an image from your computer
- Hidden: Hides the field
- Value: Enter a value
- Short Answer: Allows the user to type in a short answer such as a name, address, telephone number, etc
- Default Value: You have a choice to set a default value for the user; you can use the City, State, or Zip Code as the default value or you can make up your own
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Answer Format: Tells the system what type of answer you are looking for here; your choices are Any, Email, Numeric, Date, or Zip Code
- Size: The size that the field appears on the screen
- Max Length: The maximum number of characters that can be put into the field
- Long Answer: Allows the user to type in more descriptive answers, such as giving the details of a complaint, etc
- Default Value: You have a choice to set a default value for the user; you can use the City, State, or Zip Code as the default value or you can make up your own
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Answer Format: Tells the system what type of answer
- Height: The number of rows the text area occupies
- Width: The number of columns the text area occupies
- Checkbox(es): Allows the user to select from many different options for their answer; when setting up the check-boxes you can submit each answer to a different email address by placing the email address in the Submit to Email Address(es) (optional) box
- Choices: Type in the options for the check-boxes
- Submit to Email Address(es) (optional): Allows you to submit this answer to individual email addresses
- Minimum Answers: The minimum number of answers that the user can check
- Maximum Answers: The maximum number of answers that the user can check
- Radio Buttons: Allows the user to select from different options; they work very similar to checkboxes, but the user can only select one answer for the question
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Choices: Type in the options for the radio buttons
- Submit to Email Address(es) (optional): Allows you to submit this answer to individual email addresses
- Drop-down List: Allows the user to select from different answers from a drop-down list; functions exactly like the radio buttons except your choices come from a drop-down list instead of buttons
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Choices: Type in the options for the drop-down list
- Submit to Email Address(es) (optional): Allows you to submit this answer to individual email addresses
- States Drop-down: When asking for the user's address; you can set it to default to your state
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Default Value: The default for the user; it should automatically default to your state
- File Upload: Allows the user to upload a file to submit along with their form, such as a picture of the complaint, etc
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Size: The size of the field as it appears on the screen
- Display As: Allows you to choose any file or as an image
- Reply Email: Allows the user to give you an email address so you can reply to their submitted form
- Default Value: You can set the format for the type of email address you want
- Required: Allows you to make this field required for the user to fill out
- Size: The size of the field as it appears on the screen
- Max Length: The maximum number of characters that can be put into the field
- Header / Instructions: Allows you to put in instructions for the for; if left blank, it also creates a hard break in the form adding an extra line of spacing between sections on the form
- Read Only: Allows you to add a read-only message to the form
- Link: Allows you to place a link on the form for the user to follow
- Link: This is where you would place the actual link to the webpage you want the user to go to; follow the standard for links
- Link Text: Hides the link from the public side of the website; explain where you are taking the user
- Display Image: Used to upload an image from your computer to display on the form
- Select Show Layout Options; this will let you change the specifics for each question
- View Layout Options
- Font Settings: Use this section to make your text bigger or to change the font; we recommend using the same font throughout your website
- Font Color: You must know the Hex value of the color you want to use; the default (#000000) is black
- Background Color: You must know the Hex value of the color you want to use; we recommend using the colors set up to match your website
- Font Extras: You can make your question bold, italics, and underlined; usually, italics and underlining should be avoided
- Question & Field Alignment: You can use these options to move the placement of your question and your field
- Question Location: Determines the placement of the question relative to the field; you can have the question above, below, to the right, or to the left of the field
- Field Location: Determines whether you want your question to appear adjacent to the previous question or below it
- Select Save
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