The Carousel Widget allows you to group and display together different widgets that your residents can intuitively navigate with arrows. Each group can contain up to 3 widgets, which allows you to present more impact information in less space. The carousel can transition through these widgets automatically.
Important Note
- The performance of a page may be affected if a large number of widgets are included. We recommend limiting your page to no more than 20 widgets.
Note: Using the image widget inside the carousel widget has a max limit of 10 image widgets (if using the single layout).
Article Navigation
Add a Carousel Widget to a Page
- Log in to your site
- Navigate to the page that the carousel widget should be on
Note: The Carousel widget is commonly used on Home Pages. - Turn on Live Edit
- Navigate to the Widgets tab
- Drag and drop the Carousel Widget onto your page
- In the Widget Options pop-up, set your preferences
- Header Text: This text displays at the top of the widget
- Gap Between Widgets: Spacing that displays in-between the widgets within the template
- Transition: Set what transition you want to use when a user navigates between pages of the carousel widget
- Transition Timing: Set how fast you want the transition to be when a user navigates between pages of the carousel widget
- Groups Advance: Choose automatic or manual content rotation
Group Timing: Determines how long content is on the screen before it moves on to the next group
Note: This option is only available if you select Automatic Groups Advance. -
Next/Previous Arrows: Determines if arrows manually move to the next group
Note: If you do not check the box, that means it is unavailable to the user. - Pagination: Determines if dots are available to the user at the bottom of the carousel widget in order to proceed to any of the groupings within the carousel widget
Advanced - Widget Breakpoint:
Note: You should not need advanced options, as this is the breakpoint. If your widget is not stacking correctly when in live edit, ensure the breakpoint is set to 25. The breakpoint determines when content goes to the next line on the screen.
- Select the X in the upper right-hand corner to exit the Widget options pop-up
- Pick your layout as prompted on the screen
- Drag and drop widget(s) to the chosen layout
- Set the appropriate properties to best match with the area that is being placed on it (will vary with widgets)
Note: If there is already an existing widget on the page, you can hover over it, select the three bullet points on the top of it, and see what the settings are already to match. - Relate your desired Category. Categories only populate for Module widgets.
- Repeat steps 8 to 11 for slots in the carousel widget
Note: To add more slots, you will select the + at the bottom corner of the Carousel Widget. You can add a new layout to the left or right of an existing layout. Keep in mind, the more widgets you add the more your site performance can be affected. - Select Save at the top of your page
Users commonly apply the Carousel Widget on homepages to showcase many items that share throughout several departments or categories. For instance:
Showcase Two Info Advanced Spotlights and a Quick Links Category Side-By-Side
Showcase a Calendar and News Flash Side-By-Side
Showcase Three Info Advanced Spotlights Side-By-Side
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