Learn more about the various types of files that can be uploaded to your website solution.
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- Web Related
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- Video Files
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- Publishing (Quark Xpress, MS Publisher, PrintShop, Adobe InDesign)
- Office Pre-2007 (or Unchanged) File Extensions
- Office 2007+ File Extensions
- Other Office Formats (Apple Keynote/Pages/Numbers, ClarisWorks, OpenOffice, StarOffice, Microsoft Works, Lotus 1-2-3, or similar)
- Esri ArcGIS
- Fonts
- E-Books
- Security (such as Certificates and VPN)
- Other/Miscellaneous (such as RealNetworks Text or Intuit Quickbooks)
- Calendar Files
- Generic
- Article Glossary
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Plain Text
".txt", ".csv", ".lst", ".log", ".tab", ".asc", ".tsv", ".diz"
Web Related
".mht", ".mhtml", ".xht", ".xhtml", ".xhtm",
".xml", ".rss", ".css", ".atom", ".vrml", ".webarchive",
".eot", ".css", ".rmh", ".smil", ".webloc"
Image Formats
".bmp", ".gif", ".png", ".jfif", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".jpe", ".pic",
".tif", ".tiff", ".xbm", ".pcx", ".emf", ".wmf", ".pict",
".cgm", ".odg", ".raw", ".hdp", ".emz", ".dib",
".icns", ".ico", ".hdp", ".wdp", ".jxr", ".mix",
".tga", ".flc", ".fli", ".wbmp", ".apng", ".mng", ".psd",
".pgf", ".art", ".fpx", ".rp", ".pct", ".psp", ".ai", ".xcf",
".drw", ".dxf", ".jpf", ".jbf", ".pbm", ".pdd", ".pspimage",
".xif", ".dwg", ".dwf", ".cad", ".svg"
Audio Files
".mp3", ".aac", ".mid", ".rmi", ".wma", ".aif", ".wav",
".m4a", ".midi", ".mpa", ".ogg", ".ra", ".ram", ".flac",
".wax", ".m4r", ".m4b", ".mpc", ".aiff", ".au", ".gsm",
".m4p", ".pcm", ".rax", ".caf", ".amr", ".qcp", ".mod",
".moi", ".pcast", ".m3u"
Video Files
".wcp",".wm",".wmd",".wmv",".wmx",".wvx",".xvid",".yuv",".ogv", ".wmmp", ".hdmov",
".rmx",".rmm", ".ramm"
Compression/Archive/Encoding Formats
".zip", ".lhz", ".7z", ".gz", ".tar", ".arc", ".rar", ".uue",
".cab", ".sitx", ".bz2", ".hqx", ".bz", ".ace", ".b64", ".dmg",
".bzip", ".bzip2", ".pkg", ".sit", ".xpi", ".mim", ".sea", ".zipx"
Print Document Format
".pdf", ".xps", ".eps", ".ps"
Publishing (Quark Xpress, MS Publisher, PrintShop, Adobe InDesign)
".pdp", ".pmd", ".p65", ".pub", ".qxd", ".qxp", ".indd"
Office Pre-2007 (or Unchanged) File Extensions
".doc", ".dot", ".pps", ".ppt", ".pot", ".xls", ".xlt",
".wbk", ".mdb", ".msg", ".vsd", ".mix", ".vcf", ".pst",
".ics", ".vsc", ".odb", ".wab", ".rtf", ".wri", ".mde",
".xlv", ".xlm", ".xlk", ".xlw", ".xlc", ".xld", ".xlb",
".adp", ".gra", ".dex", ".eml", ".dap", ".ost", ".oft",
".one", ".onepkg", ".backup", ".xsn", ".xsf", ".xtp", ".snp",
".opx", ".ade", ".fphtml", ".fpweb", ".pothtml", ".ppthtml",
".pubhtml", ".pubmhtml", ".xlshtml", ".xlsmhtml", ".xlthtml"
Office 2007+ File Extensions
".docx", ".docm", ".dotx", ".dotm", ".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".xltx",
".xltm", ".xlsb", ".xlam", ".pptx", ".pptm", ".potx", ".potm",
".ppam", ".ppsx", ".ppsm", ".accdb", ".accde", ".accdt", ".accdr",
".accfl", ".crtx", ".thmx"
Other Office Formats (Apple Keynote/Pages/Numbers, ClarisWorks, OpenOffice, StarOffice, Microsoft Works, Lotus 1-2-3, or similar)
".pages", ".wpd", ".wps", ".odf", ".ods", ".odx", ".sxi",
".sxc", ".stc", ".key", ".knt", ".kth", ".cwk", ".emlx", ".123",
".numbers", ".oth", ".wk3", ".wk1", ".dbf", ".db", ".tex",
".fm", ".fm2", ".fm3", ".fm5", ".fmp", ".fp", ".fp3", ".dif",
".fp5", ".fp7", ".fpt", ".fhtml", ".ical", ".gnumeric", ".sdf",
".xg0", ".xg1", ".xg2", ".xg3", ".xg4", ".snapfireshow", ".abw",
".zabw", ".awt", ".abx"
".gg", ".kml", ".kmz"
Esri ArcGIS
".mxd", ".pmf", ".sbx"
".otf", ".ttf", ".fon", ".fnt", ".ofm"
".lit", ".prc", ".tpz", ".tr", ".mobi", ".aeh", ".azw", ".azw1",
".osis", ".lrx", ".lrf"
Security (such as Certificates and VPN)
".p7b", ".pfx", ".pcf"
Other/Miscellaneous (such as RealNetworks Text or Intuit Quickbooks)
".rt", ".bin", ".ifo", ".qbb", ".trm", ".shs", ".isf", ".fdp",
".fbp", ".lyr", ".dds", ".pdc", ".isu", ".flp", ".ds_store", ".lrc"
Calendar Files
Article Glossary
The terms located in this section are listed alphabetically.
- E-Books: Electronic Books
- VPN: Virtual Private Network
Feedback About the Article
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article below.3 comments
It would be helpful to know other basic issues that might arise with Form Center attachments. We have a user who cannot upload a simple 400k (small) PDF to a Form. If it's not the type of attachment, what else could it be? Is the form browser-specific? Could it be an unsupported browser? That information might be helpful to include on this page. Thank you :)
Jenny, I recommend contacting support. Forms are not browser specific, but this could play a part if it is outdated, so that will be important information. Support will of course have a number of other questions and troubleshooting steps they will walk you through.
Thank you.
This article was extremely helpful in planning a photo contest. Thank you for having it easily available!
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