When using existing Looker Studio templates, there are times when the charts and control will change due to a difference in the information gathered from a site. If a control such as the Page Section Tracker Name or Department Header Name changes to something unexpected, follow the instructions below.
- Click the Control box so that it is selected.
- In the Control column, on the Setup tab, select the Control Field.
- Change the Control Field to the desired dimension.
- This will then change the Control Field on the report itself.
Feedback About the Article
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article below.4 comments
My Looker Studio/GA4 does not include 'Department Header Name' nor 'Department Header ID' as Control field options. Do we have to build these parameters ourselves? If so, please share where we find the identifiable info for the "sections" we've created within our CivicPlus site. Within each of our DHP sites, I checked the "section tracking" box several weeks ago, yet I've been totally unsuccessful in finding the data anywhere.
Tralana Pollard I am seeing these as options in the basic reports and in Looker Studio. Please be sure you are looking at the correct GA4 property.
If you are looking at the correct CivicPlus GA4 property and not seeing this, please report back here and we will reach out to work with you on this.
Thank you.
Jamie: I'm using the only non-Sample GA4 property that is listed as a data source option (City of Allen - GA4). I did notice that my GA4 property name does not display at all like the options listed in the article you sent. The article references a 3-digit number along with a tracking ID, but my GA4 property is simply listed as "City of Allen - GA4." The only other data source options listed are [Sample] data.
Also - Would you show me where you're finding the 'Department Header Name' or 'Department Header ID' in the basic reports? Even when typing "department header" into the search, I'm finding nothing related to DHPs within my GA4 dashboard.
Tralana Pollard The name of that property is not a CivicPlus property as ours will start with TX-Allen.
After looking into this, I do not see there is an access request from the city. I will email you over the access and waiver form to complete.
My apologies for not looking into that piece first.
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