This article will show you how to add images to a Facility.
- Sign in to your site
- Select Modules and on the Content tab, select Facilities
- Select the category that has the facility in it
- Select the facility you would like to add an image to
- Scroll down to Create Slideshow, and select Modify Image(s)
- Select Add Images
- Select the folder the image is in
- Check the boxes for the image(s) you would like to add
- Select Insert Marked
- For the new images, edit their information (if necessary)
- Title: Picture name (will not display on the front end)
- Caption: Create a caption
- Alt text: Alternative text to display if the picture does not load
- Link? Select to make the image a link to a web address
- Display: Add a start and end date for the picture to display as part of the slideshow
- Navigate to the Options tab and make any edits (if necessary)
- Slide Timing: The number of seconds each image will display
- Transition: Images can either Fade from one to the next, or Slide to the next
- Transition Timing: The number of seconds it takes for the Fade or Slide
- Slide Title: Display the title on each slide
- Slide Caption: Check to show captions with each image
- Next/Previous Arrows: Display left and right navigation arrows
- Pagination: Display pagination to navigate slides
- Randomize Slides: Check to display slides in a random order
- Select Save Slideshow
- Select Save Changes
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