There are a few software conflicts that can exist with PDF software. The PDFs are not populated by default because Adobe implemented a new security feature to prevent certain PDF properties from displaying, as they could contain malicious content.
Users will need to select the Add host to Privileged Locations from the Options button on the security alert that is shown at the top of the PDF. This should prevent the issue from happening again in the current domain. Since Internet Explorer (IE) uses Adobe Reader as its default PDF viewer, this should be all that needs to be done.
The new version of Firefox uses its built-in PDF viewer by default. Because it cannot view auto-filled forms, Firefox users will need to set Adobe Reader as their default PDF viewer. See Firefox Support's "View PDF files in Firefox or choose another viewer" article for more information.
View our Change the Default PDF Viewer in Chrome article for information on how to change the default PDF Viewer for the Google Chrome browser.
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