This article will show you how to edit a Blog Posting.
- Navigate to Modules > Content > Blog
- Select the category the item is in
- Select Choose an Action > Modify next to the item
- Edit the item's fields.
- Post Name: Public Name of this blog post
- Full Post: This is the complete text of your blog post
- This uses the editor just like what is found in pages, to see the full menu select the “Show Advanced Tools” button at the end of the toolbar.
- Lead In: Just a brief summary of the post, it is shown on the main blog page before they read the full post
- Tags: These are search tags for major topics in your post
- Display: This will post your blog to the website on a day and take it down when you would like it to automatically be removed from the site
- Show Archives: This will allow previous entries that have been archived to be viewed by the public
- Select a saving option
- Save: Save your work
- Save and Send: Save changes and send notifications to users
- Note: You will view a pop-up; click OK to include it in the RSS feed, or click Cancel to exclude it.
- Note: You will view a pop-up; click OK to include it in the RSS feed, or click Cancel to exclude it.
- Configure notification options
- Subject: Add a subject heading
- Comments: Attach a brief description of the blog
- Send:
- On Start Date: Sends the notification on the start date previously set
- Immediately: Sends the notification immediately
- Select Send, Don’t Send, or Cancel: Notification will send accordingly to those who have signed up in Notify Me for the selected Blog category
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