Permissions determine what content users of your CivicEngage website can access and what actions those users can perform. Permission levels can be found in our Standard Permissions article.
The Web Central Content Management System (CMS) uses Group-based permissions. Groups are created to which users are assigned. Pages or content are then assigned to specific Groups for access or editing. Users can be added or removed from Groups as appropriate. Users who belong to multiple groups with permissions to the same content are granted the highest level of permissions among the groups to which they belong.
Groups are categorized as either Front-End or Back-End:
- Front-End Groups can only View content. Disabling View permissions will cause associated content to not be available to users who do not belong to a Group with View permissions enabled.
- Back-End Groups can View and Edit content. Any staff member who will be editing the site will need to belong to at least one Back-End Group.
Users with Publisher or higher permissions can be notified via e-mail when an item is submitted by a user with a lower permission level. These emails will be sent to all users with permission to approve the submitted item and can be enabled or disabled by the module, but cannot be edited
Steps for Permissions
- Set up Groups: Create groups for teams or staff members that will have similar editing rights
Set up Page-Specific Permissions: Permissions can be assigned to pages from the Group Admin module or the Properties tab on a page.
Note: Assign permissions to Departments or large sections of pages before assigning permissions to small sections or individual pages. -
Set up Module or Feature-Specific Permissions
- Go to the Modules menu at the top of your administrative site
- Select an available module or feature.
- Select the Permissions tab to assign any module-level permissions.
Note: Most Groups do not need permission for a full module. Some exceptions include the Jobs or Bids modules. - Access the Properties for each Category to assign Group permissions to each Category.
Note: The method to access the properties will vary by module. Any Categories not assigned permissions will be accessible only to Groups with Module level permissions or System Admins. - Repeat steps two and three for each feature
- Set up User-Specific Permissions
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