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Troubleshoot: "Timeframe is Unavailable" Error

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  • Tom Sluis

    Some users (such as admins) have the ability to "Proceed with Reservation," regardless. Is this only for admins? Or is there a calendar setting that can be changed that allows other users to book reservations regardless of availability?

  • Jamie Shannon

    Tom Sluis Yes, this is only available for admins of the site. There is not a setting to allow front end users to book a reservation either outside the availability of that facility or overlapping another reservation. 

  • Tom Sluis

    Is there a setting to allow backend users this ability? Also, is the time frame available dependent on the hours set up for a facility? Thanks.

  • Jamie Shannon

    Tom Sluis There is not a setting, it is allowed with backend permissions. The hours of the facility and any other scheduled reservations are what determine availability for the facilities. 

  • Tom Sluis

    Thanks. Where on the backend permissions do I allow users to have this ability? Would it be a new group called something like "People who create calendar items" (or whatever), give that group publisher permissions, and then assign people to that group?

  • Jamie Shannon

    Tom Sluis Any back-end group with the calendar permissions would have this ability. If you are having trouble with this you can reach out to support. 

    The permissions guide might be a good start for you.



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