You may receive a pop-up that says: "This time frame is unavailable. Please modify the time frame and try again."
This pop-up error often occurs because you have attempted to schedule an event at a Facility outside of that Facility's Operating Hours.
You can avoid this error by either not adding a location to the event or adding a sub-facility (such as a meeting room) to the meeting's location that does not have posted hours.
Feedback About the Article
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Some users (such as admins) have the ability to "Proceed with Reservation," regardless. Is this only for admins? Or is there a calendar setting that can be changed that allows other users to book reservations regardless of availability?
Tom Sluis Yes, this is only available for admins of the site. There is not a setting to allow front end users to book a reservation either outside the availability of that facility or overlapping another reservation.
Is there a setting to allow backend users this ability? Also, is the time frame available dependent on the hours set up for a facility? Thanks.
Tom Sluis There is not a setting, it is allowed with backend permissions. The hours of the facility and any other scheduled reservations are what determine availability for the facilities.
Thanks. Where on the backend permissions do I allow users to have this ability? Would it be a new group called something like "People who create calendar items" (or whatever), give that group publisher permissions, and then assign people to that group?
Tom Sluis Any back-end group with the calendar permissions would have this ability. If you are having trouble with this you can reach out to support.
The permissions guide might be a good start for you.
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