Facilities are organized by categories, individual facilities, and sub-facilities. The Facilities module has the ability to request reservations or make reservations automatically.
Amenities are called Features, and your features can be completely customized, including having a fee with taxes associated with them.
If you use the ePayment module, we can take the fee feature straight through to payment and booking.
You can still search the Facilities module by facility type or amenities. Each facility listing can have a customized reservation form that uses Form Center form fields, its own calendar with options for different types of reservations, separate hours of operations, contact information, and an updated Slideshow Manager.
The Facilities module will also work with the Calendar module so when you select a facility for your own events, it will automatically populate the facility address. By selecting a facility in the Calendar module, the system will automatically add the calendar event to the Facilities calendar to prevent double booking.
We have made it easy to tie into ESRI maps for better map management.
Article Navigation
Back-End View
Front-End View
- To add facilities, you must first:
- Create a Category: Categories organize facilities and sub-facilities
- After you create categories, you can populate them with facilities:
- Create a Facility
- Import Facilities: Import existing facilities using a .CSV file
- After you create facilities, you can then add sub-facilities
- Create Features/Amenities for your site
- Create Features: Add new features to your site
- Import Features: Import existing features using .CSV file
Make a Reservation as a Back-End User
Note: You can only create 52 recurrences of a reservation.
General Functions and Tabs in Facilities
General Functions
- Organize facilities by category
- Provide details and links to important information, documents, or related websites, cutting down on phone calls and foot traffic
- Provide lists of amenities offered at the facility
- Allow residents to request a reservation for the facility
- Main:
- Features:
- Reservations:
- Field Sets:
- Properties:
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