Although it is possible to edit existing widget options, it is recommended you not change any option sets that CivicPlus has created for you without first considering the overall impact. Making changes to these option sets may cause unintended changes in various areas of the website. Instead, it is recommended you create and name new option sets.
- Navigate to Modules > Site Tools > Design Center Pro
- Select Widget Manager
- Select the FAQs Widget Type
- Select the blue + sign to create a new option set
- Or, to edit an existing option set, select the option set you would like to edit by clicking on it.
- Or, to edit an existing option set, select the option set you would like to edit by clicking on it.
- If creating a new option set, create a name and click the Create Option Set button
- Note: All the instructions following will apply to modifying and creating the option set.
- Navigate through the tabs to make modifications
- Header
- Text: Text for the header
- Image: Click Choose Image to display an image in the header
- Link: Choose to link to the related module categories or to the module home screen
- Items
- Category: Select categories to display
- Default Number to Display: How many Basic Alerts to display in addition to all Full Alerts
- Columns: Choose the number of columns to display
- Column Alignment: Set the spacing/alignment of the columns
- Group Questions: Select to group questions together by category
- Bulleted List: Choose to display questions as a bulleted list
- View All Link
- Display: Click to display a View All link
- Text: Modify the View All front-facing text
- Image: Choose an image to display for the View All link
- Position/Alignment: Choose where to place the View All link
- Footer
- Text: Enter footer text
- Image: Choose an image to display in the footer
- Header
- Click Save
- Note: There is the ability to preview your option set. In order to preview, a category in the Items tab must be selected that contains published FAQ items. Also, in order to preview changes, you must click Save in order for the preview to refresh.
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