This article will show you how to add a News Flash widget to your page and set its options. The News Flash Widget utilizes the News Flash Module to post and share organizational news items important to residents.
News Flash Widget Display
What Will Show in the Widget
- Item title: 100 character limit
- Lead-in text: 255 character limit
- Read More link: 50 character limit; this text is customizable
- Your image, if the Option Set is configured to show the image. Contact Support if you would like to change this.
What Will Not Show in the Widget
- Full text
- Link/Link display text
Important Note
- We do not recommend changing the Skin or Option Set as these are based on the design that was chosen during the Implementation phase of your project. If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
- A category must be published and have at least one published News Flash item in it before it will show on the front end. If it still does not show, check that a category has been selected in the Widget Options.
- Log in to your site
- Navigate to your desired page and ensure that Live Edit Is On
- Navigate to Widgets and select Modules
- Drag and drop the New Flash widget onto your page
- Fill out the Widget options
- Skin: Using Default is recommended
- Header Text: Text that will appear above the News Flash
Option Set: Using Default is recommended
Note: If you use the Carousel option, the following options of Number of Columns and Display will not affect the actual display. Instead, the number of items displayed at one time is determined by the Min/Max Allowable Item Width. - Number of Columns: Indicate how many columns you would like in the widget
Display: Set the number of items to display in your widget
Note: If there are more items in your category than the number in this field, your citizens will see a link to View All items. - Category: Choose the appropriate category or categories
View All and Header Link
- View All Link Text: Edit the label that displays on the link
- View All and Header Link Options: Choose to link to the News Flash categories related to the widget, the News Flash home screen, or a custom link
Carousel Options
Note: These options only apply to News Flash widget option sets with the Carousel option enabled.- Min Allowable Item Width: Indicate the area of minimum item width
- Max Allowable Item Width: Indicate the area of maximum item width
- Space Between Items: Indicate the area between items. 40px or higher is recommended.
- Image Cover: When this box is checked, the image covers for each News Flash item in the carousel will fill the maximum item width set above. Image height will need to be provided.
- Widget Breakpoint: Width at which the widget will switch from a narrow to a wide view
- Push To All Versions of this Page: Add a copy of this widget to all versions of this page
- Push To All Subpages of this Page: Add a copy of this widget to all subpages of this page
- Push Options: Choose where to put the widget within pushed pages
- Click the X at the right corner of the window to exit the Widget Options
- Click Save at the top of the page
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